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Never Hunger Never Thirst is a food ministry of the True Vine Church in Pawtucket, RI.

We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about feeding the hungry.  Our mission began in the streets of downtown Pawtucket, RI, where many people come and go from day to day.   Out of a desire to help the needy, we began providing food to the people right where we found them.  We are in the process of opening this soup kitchen.  .


The name of the soup kitchen comes from the Bible verse, "I am the bread of life:he that cometh to me shall never hunger: and he that believeth on me shall never thirst,"  John 6:35.  The Lord is drawing the people to us.


The only criteria for anyone to come to our soup kitchen is that they are hungry and have a desire to fellowship with others.  We do not ask questions, but we will offer assistance where we can. we will be open from Monday to Friday for breakfast and dinner. We welcome your donations and support to keep the ministry running.



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